People always think of New Year's Day as a day to make new promises and changes in their life. I believe that every day is a new day. Each day and each experience, whether good or bad, has made you the person you are today. Choose not to be bitter but to be better. Make a resolution that at the end of each day to be thankful for 3 things.
I wish you all peace in the New Year! Darlene "Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man." Benjamin Franklin
Note: Okay enough with the deep philosophical banter... enjoy the rest of this month's chit-chat! |
Dia de Los Inocentes / Day of the Innocents

Dia de Los Inocentes, celebrated on December 28th in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, is equivalent to April Fool's Day. In English the day is also called Childermas, Children's Mass or Holy
Innocents' Day, and is celebrated on different dates by different
traditions but always shortly after Christmas Day. The day did not start off as a jovial celebration of pulling pranks on the "innocents". It stems from the Gospel of Matthew, who tells the story in connection with the birth of
Jesus of Nazareth. Mathew 2:13-16 speaks of King Herod ordering the execution of all
young male children under the age of 2 in the village of Bethlehem, after the Magi or
Three Kings announced to him the birth of the newborn "King of the Jews." No one seems to know how it turned into a day of pranks, tricks and jokes but it seems it started around the middle ages. In some cultures people also believe it is an unlucky day, when no new project should be started.
After your victim falls for your friendly prank you are suppose to repeat this phrase: "Inocente
palomita que te dejas engañar, sabiendo que en este día nada se debe
prestar". Translated it means "You innocent little pigeon letting
yourself be deceived, knowing that on this day no one can be believed". |
Dia de Los Tres Reyes / Three Kings Day
twelve days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day, December 25th and end
on the Twelfth Night, January 5th. On January 6th, traditionally the
last day of the Christmas season, is when we celebrate the Feast of the
Epiphany or Three Kings Day.
In Mexico, Spain
and other Latin-American countries it is when children receive the majority of
their gifts from the Three Kings rather than from Santa Claus at
Christmas. Before going to bed the children place their old shoes or a
box filled with grass or hay under their bed for the camels with a wish
list on top for the Three Kings. In the morning the shoes or box is
filled with toys & gifts from the Three Kings.
According to legend based on scripture (Matthew 2:1-12) this day
commemorates the Three Wise Men, Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar, who
followed the star to Bethlehem, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense
and myrrh. They travel to Bethlehem, and along the way encountered King
Herod, whom they tell of the birth of the new King. Herod orders them
to find the baby and return to tell him where the Messiah could be
found so that he may pay homage. After being warned by God in a dream
that they should not return to Herod because he planned on killing the
baby, they returned to their own countries another way.
The scripture does mention the three gifts but does not say how many
came to visit. It was always assumed that if there were three gifts,
then there were probably three people. Scholars estimate the number to
be 2-12, possibly more. Are you wondering why they make such a big deal
out of when the Kings came and not when the shepherds or others
visited? It's because the "Kings" (Wise Men or Magi) who brought gifts
to the infant Jesus were the first Gentiles (non-Jews) to acknowledge
Jesus as "King" and in doing so, the first to reveal that Jesus came
for all people, from all nations and races.
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Huevos Rancheros
I think my Papi makes the best Huevos Rancheros! Here is my dad's recipe as best as I can do.
4 tbsp. cooking oil 6 6" tortillas I cup salsa fresca 1 cup crumbled Cotija cheese 8-12 pcs crumbled bacon 6 eggs Salt to taste Avocado to garnish
DIRECTIONS: In small skillet heat 2
tbsp. oil. Holding tortillas with tongs, dip one at a time in hot oil
for 10 seconds or till limp. Line a 10 x 6 x 3" baking dish with
tortillas. Keep warm. Cook bacon and crumble. Set aside. Heat and simmer fresh salsa in a sauce pan. Place tortilla(s) on plate Cook eggs over easy and arrange on top of tortilla. Spoon salsa over eggs and top with crumbled cheese and bacon. Garnish with avocado slices. Serve immediately.
Miraculous Menudo |
How can I not include a menudo recipe in January? If you don't know already it is infamously known as a hangover cure for the day after New Year's Eve. See below for a suggested New Year's Day Brunch menu.
INGREDIENTS: 6 pounds tripe
5 pounds hominy
4 pigs feet, cut and quartered
1 large onion
1 bunch green onion
1 bunch cilantro
2 tablespoons oregano
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
1 whole garlic
2 tablespoons salt
6 dry California red chili pods
1 can tomato paste
DIRECTIONS: Put tripe, pigs feet and hominy into a huge pot and
cook for about 1 hour with 1 cut up quartered onion
and green onions.
In a blender, combine oregano, cilantro, garlic, salt,
pepper and chili pods; blend with water and tomato
paste, filling blender. Blend about two minutes, or
until you have a nice red sauce.
Add this sauce to a large pot, continuing to simmer
(do not boil) for 4 hours or until tripe is tender (not
Serve with Bolillos (French bread) or corn
tortillas. Have topping in small bowls available for
each person to customize their own bowl of soup
with fresh chopped cilantro, chopped onion, lemon,
and oregano.
New Year's Day Brunch
Pick and choose your favorite items from each category: Entrees
Tamales French Toast w/Strawberries Huevos Rancheros Bacon & Cheese Quiche
Spinach & Mushroom Quiche
Sides Green Salad Fruit Salad Sausage, Bacon or Ham Potatoes Beans Spanish Rice
Orange Juice
Bloody Marys