Valentines' Day is upon us and time to celebrate your love together. For those of you celebrating "Single Awareness Day" go see the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" which may completely deter you from having a relationship at all. Okay at the end of the movie there was a ray of light, but it was iffy there for awhile. It's basically the white girl version of Waiting to Exhale. ( I was going to be politically correct and say Caucasian but that's not how I really speak) Anyway, I can't wait for the Latina version to come out!
In this issue I have recounted the legend of Mexico's Romeo & Juliet, Popocatépetl an Aztec warrior who fell in love with the tribal chief's daughter, Ixtlacíhuatl. We also put together a list of Top Ten Cheap (but Romantic) Valentine Gifts.
My two most romantic gifts I have received were a trip to Paris for Valentine's Day (hard to beat, I know) and a hand written poem from my boyfriend. Not the same men by the way. What made the poem so incredibly romantic was that I had recounted the story of my parents courtship when my father would write my mother Spanish love poems. A few weeks later my boyfriend presented me with a hand-written poem. I must tell you, it was the most god-awful poem ever written. But the fact that he took the time and most likely struggled to write it, made it even more special. So you see, it is the thought that counts. But don't get me wrong, Paris was good too! Equally as good.
¡Feliz Dia de San Valentin! Darlene
P.S. And for those of you who actually enjoy my written banter you can read my journey to DC for Obama's Inaguartion at
An Aztec Romance
Many of you are familiar with this iconic image of the Aztec warrior carrying a woman seen on countless panaderia calendars, but do you know the legend behind it? The most popular legend passed down for centuries through oral tradition comes from the ancient Náhuas. It tells the romantic and tragic story of Mexico's Romeo and Juliet - Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl.
Many years before Cortés came to Mexico, the Aztecs lived in Tenochtitlán, today's Mexico City. The chief of the Aztecs had a beautiful daughter named Iztaccíhuatl.
The people were enchanted with Izta and her parents prepared her to someday be the Empress of the Aztecs. Izta grew up and fell in love with a captain of a tribe named Popocatépetl or Popoca. Popoca asked for the Emperor's permission to marry his daughter and he agreed to the arrangement under one condition, Popoca had to bring the head of the enemy chief back from the war, in order to marry his daughter. Popoca went off to fulfill his destiny. Several months passed and An adversary of Popoca sent a false message back to Izta that her loved one had died in battle. When Izta heard her lover's fate she was overcome overcome by the news, refused to eat and died of grief. Popoca returned victorious, but upon hearing of Izta's passing,he could not be consoled. He carried his beloved to the mountains and put her down to rest, then plunged a dagger in his broken heart. The gods covered them with snow and changed them into famous peaks in Mexico. Together in eternity are Iztaccíhuatl's mountain "La Mujer Dormida" (Sleeping Woman), and Popocatépetl's volcano, still active today raining fire on Earth in blind rage at the loss of his beloved.
Top 10 Cheap (but Romantic) Gifts for your Valentine
So, you're broke this year but still want to express your love in a unique way? Here is CasaQ's Top 10 Cheap (but Romantic) Gifts for your Valentine.
1) Poem - Write a romantic poem or acrostic to express your love,
2) Hand-made Card - Forget getting a store bought card, make something from your heart,
3) Bubble Bath - Leave a trail of rose petals that leads to a warm bubble bath or ????,
4) Serenade - Sing (or lip sync) a romantic song to your loved one,
5) Homecooked Meal - Make a candle-lit breakfast or dinner,
6) Strip Tease - Bumping music & a strip tease, need I say more?,
 7) Romantic Outing - Visit an art exhibit, free concert, or walk in the park.
8) Watch a Sunset - Wisk them off to that special place to see the sun set or rise,
9) Child's Play - Get your kids to serenade your spouse or do a short skit
10 ) Love Coupons - Make a book of Love Coupons filled with hugs and kisses, massages & more! <Click Here> for ideas.
Strawberry French Toast

Surprise your sweatheart with a romantic breakfast! Set a fancy table with table cloth, candles and roses and stir up some Mimosas to celebrate Valentine's Day with your loved one.
Ingredients 1 egg 2 egg whites 1/4 cup milk 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon dash nutmeg 8 slices French bread or Bolillos
Fresh sliced strawberries 2 tsp sugar or honey Lemon juice Powdered sugar
Directions: In a shallow bowl, whisk egg and egg white until foamy. Whisk in milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
Have warming drawer heated or heat oven to 200°. Heat butter in heavy skillet over medium-low heat. Dip 4 slices of bread in the egg mixture, turning to coat thoroughly. Let excess drip back into bowl.
Place coated bread slices in hot skillet. Cook, turning, until both sides are nicely browned, about 2 minutes each side.
Transfer to a warm plate and keep warm in oven. Repeat with remaining bread and egg mixture.
Mix sliced strawberries, sugar and lemon juice together. Arrange French Toast on plate and place serving of strawberries on top, sprinkle with powedered sugar. If desired sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and warm maple syrup.
Darlene Tips: Old bread sworks better so your french toast won't be soggy.
Go to the bakery and purchase a loaf of white bread sliced thick.
Substitute peaches, bananas, rasberries or other favorite fruit.
Warm butter and syrup together in microwave prior to serving.
¡Buen Provecho!

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