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Posadas, Hot Rum Punch & Christmas Movies
December 2006

This month we share the centuries old tradition of Posadas, a recipe for Hot Ponche, and when you have a moment to slip away, some Christmas movies suggestions to see. Also, this is the one year anniversary launch of CasaQ and I just want to thank you for passing the word along to others about us and don't forget to check out the CasaQ Archives to see past recipes and stories from the past year.

¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo!

In this issue...
  • Christmas Movies
    The Nativity Story
  • Posadas
  • Hot Rum Punch Recipe
  • CasaQ Gift Cards for everyone!

  • Posadas

    As shocking as this may seem, participating in Posadas at Christmas actually has something to do with birth of Jesus. Crazy, I know!

    Posadas or in Spanish it is also called Los Peregrinos, San José y la Virgen María are a renactment of Joseph and Mary's journey to Bethlehem to be counted in the Census just prior to the birth of Jesus. These celebrations are a "Novena" or nine days of prayer starting on the 16th of December and finishing on the 24th which is the Noche Buena or Holy Night.

    Each night at dusk during this period all the guests gather outside the house. A small child dressed as an angel leads, followed by children carrying figures of Mary and Joseph, followed by the adults and musicians. Everyone sings songs as they process through the neighborhood carrying their lit candles. The hosts of the home are the innkeepers, and the neighborhood children and adults are Los Peregrinos or Pilgrims, who have to request lodging through singing a simple chant. The group will ask for lodging at three different houses but only the third one will allow them in. That will be the house that will host the party for that evening. Once the innkeepers let them in, the group of guests comes into the home and kneels around the Nativity scene to pray the Rosary and then the fun begins. Then the food and piñata comes out. Pan Dulce, Bunuelos, Tamales, Mexican Chocolate, Ponche with a little rum added for the adults. It's a great family tradition that has carried on through the years.

    Hot Rum Punch Recipe

    This is the the traditional punch served during the Posadas with bunuelos or pan dulce. If you would like to make this punch but can't find or don't like some of the ingredients (perhaps, prunes) use substitutes. For instance, tamarind pods are a primary flavor in this ponche. If you can't find tamarind pods, substitute apple cider. It won't be the same, but it'll still be good!

    2 gallons water
    4 vanilla beans, split lengthwise
    4-inch cinnamon stick
    2 lbs. piloncillo (or brown sugar)
    3 green apples, cut into eighths
    1/2 cup raisins
    10 prunes
    10 tamarind pods, peeled (or apple cider)
    6 preserved guavas
    10 preserved manzanitas/tejocotes (wild apples or crab apples)
    Rum or Brandy to taste (optional)
    1 3-gallon pot
    1 tablespoon whole cloves
    1/4 cup sugar

    Place the above in crock pot and heat well. Serve with 1 jigger of rum added when serving. Can leave on all day. Can refrigerate leftovers for another day. This recipe for Hot Rum Punch serves/makes 3 quart

    CasaQ Gift Cards for everyone!

    Can't decide what to give? Give the gift of CasaQ this holiday season through CasaQ Gift cards! Now for a limited time only, you may purchase these gift cards and receive a FREE mini fiesta or flamingo tote bag! CasaQ Gift Cards come in multiples of $25 dollars. You may purchase up to $100 dollars (special requests for gift cards with a value greater than $100 is accepted).

    These gift cards may be purchased by simply going to www.casaq.com or calling us at 1-877-822- 2727!
    Gift Cards are located under Special Collections

    Christmas Movies
    The Nativity Story

    For some reason nobody knows about this movie. I did a quick search and it was playing at about 6 theatres in my town. So, it has good distribution but they are just plain lousy at marketing. Guadalupe, the movie is about two archaeologists who have been given a grant to study the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego, an indigenous man living near the hill of Tepeyac, experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary in December of 1531. The Archeologists, Jose and Mercedes embark on a quest to Tepeyac to determine how much of this story is fact or faith. In Spanish and Nahuatl with English subtitles.
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    From Academy Award winning filmmaker Mel Gibson comes Apocalypto: Set in Mesoamerica just before Spanish contact, it depicts a fictitious view of the decline of the once great Maya civilization. The movie was filmed mainly in Catemaco and Paso de Ovejas in the Mexican state of Veracruz and uses the Yukatek Maya language with English subtitles.
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    The Nativity Story
    Betrothed to much-older Joseph, Mary must remain a maiden for one year, but she subsequently receives a visit from the angel Gabriel, who tells her of her destiny. When Joseph and now-heavily pregnant Mary journey to Bethlehem for the Roman census, they face a threat from King Herod, whose obsession with an ancient prophecy endangers soon-to-be-born Jesus.
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